Crown Mats News

How to Reduce Your Facility Cleaning Costs:

Written by Crown Mats | Oct 16, 2017 2:12:12 PM


Did you ever wonder how so much dirt and grime enter your facility? The windows can’t be opened, doors are kept closed, the HVAC system is working properly, etc. In fact, why do people even have paper weights on their desks anymore?
If you are responsible for the cleanliness – and costs – of keeping your facility as clean as possible you need to address the root cause.

The root cause: foot traffic!

Yes, your own employees are bringing in the dirt and moisture on their
shoes each time they enter the building throughout the day. It consists of rain in the Spring and Autumn, perhaps snow in the Winter, and dust during the dry summer months.

CROWN MATTING TECHNOLOGIES manufacturers the matting solutions that will solve the “foot cause”!

Extensive studies by industry associations (see have shown that as much as 85% of the floor dirt and grime is brought in simply by people entering the building. The result is that you are spending a sizeable amount of money each month for floor cleaning chemicals, floor cleaning equipment and the labor that goes along with performing the cleaning.

Now you’re saying “we already have matting at our entrances”. But please consider: do you have the correct lengths of matting?

To entrap 80% to 90% of the outdoors before it gets indoors, you will need at least 15 feet of matting at each entrance way. 

Why 15 feet? The average person has a stride of between 2 and 3 feet. The recommended 15 feet of matting will allow each foot to brush against the matting 4 to 5 times. (Imagine, a 2’ x 3’ mat – maybe each foot touches the mat once!)

CROWN MATTING TECHNOLOGIES manufactures a wide range of entrance and facility matting designed for low, medium and heavy traffic areas.

In fact, the recommended choice is a 3-mat system.  It is comprised of a 3’x 5’ non-absorbent fiber scraper mat to remove harsh dirt and moisture, then a 3’x5’ combination of non-absorbent and absorbent fiber mat to finish the scraping process and beginning the drying process, followed by a 3 x 5’ mat that contains all absorbent fibers to complete the drying process.

Dramatically lower the volume (and cost) of your cleaning chemicals, flooring cleaning equipment, maintenance labor while improving the appearance of your facility by utilizing the proper amount of matting from CROWN MATTING TECHNOLOGIES.

And don’t forget to place mats between the office and factory areas!