Workers-Delight Spark-Safe
#545, 545 Dry Area, Welding Mat, Resist Sparks, Anti-Fatigue, Rubber, Slip Resistance, Durable, Repels Sparks, Textured Surface, Zedlan Foam, High Performance, Repels Hot Metal Shards, Traction, Slip Resistant Coating, Heavy Duty, Workers-Delight Spark-Safe, Workers Delight Spark Safe, Workersdelight Sparksafe, Spark-Safe, Spark Safe, SparkSafe, Workers-Delight, WD, Workers Delight, WorkersDelightDRY AREA | ANTI-FATIGUE
Workers-Delight Spark Safe Anti-Fatigue Welding Mat improves workers safety and comfort in the workplace. Crown’s patented Zedlan foam increases comfort by 50 percent compared to traditional mats. What's more, the spark-resistant rubber surface is specially formulated to repel sparks and hot metals, reducing the risk of fire. Our welding mat provides both anti-fatigue and slip resistance, making it the perfect choice for high-performance work areas.
- A durable anti-fatigue mat that repels sparks and hot metal shards
- Textured surface improves traction in dry areas
- Soft foam base provides excellent anti-fatigue relief
- The new slip-resistant coating on the underside of mat ensures steadiness and control on smooth surfaces
Provide a heavy-duty solution for dry areas - machine shops, assembly lines, steel mills, and maintenance departments
Additional Information
Sizes: 2' x 3', 3' x 5', 3' x 12'
Roll Sizes: 2' x 75', 3' x 75', 4' x 75'
Colors: Black
Thickness: 9/16"
Warranty: Total Confidence
Customization: Yes
Material: Zedlan Foam (Patent #5,965,650)
Technical Data
Top Material: Rubber
Base Material: Zedlan Foam
Thickness: 9/16"