Crown Matting Technologies Mat-A-Dor is one of our most durable heavy-traffic scraper mats. The mat is made up of an SBR Rubber that is naturally resistant to common acids, alkalis, and salt ––– reducing the degradation of the mat. The mat is so durable that it remains flexible even in cold temperatures or climates. Mat-A-Dor’s top surface is fingertips which form the scraping ability of the mat, in fact, it contains 50% more fingers than standard fingertip mats, increasing the efficiency of its scraping ability.
Protect Your Assets with the NEW Command Shield!
Crown Matting Technologies is excited to introduce our newest product the Command Shield! The Command Shield is a low-profile mat with a highly absorbent top surface, layered with a thin moisture barrier and an adhesive backing that allows the mat to be adhered to the floor’s surface, preventing shifting, or ruffling of the mat. The low-profile design allows easy use of carts, pallet jacks, and wheelchairs to easily roll right over without any difficulty or mat movement. Command Shield is ADA Compliant and NFSI-certified for high traction. Read More ▸
Increase Brand Awareness with a Flocked Mat
You may have heard of a flocked Christmas tree, but have you heard of a flocked mat? Read More ▸
The mat you can 'Rely-On'
Rely-On Olefin is the economical choice for a light traffic wiper matting solution. This mat is designed to retain up to a gallon of water per square foot and traps dust particles allowing fewer contaminants to enter the building. This matting solution is ideal for buildings that expect to see 250 or fewer people per day walking over the mats. Read More ▸
Reducing our footprint while eliminating footprints in your facility —how do mats help protect the earth?
Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day to educate people about the planet’s environmental issues it is faced with, and additionally how to limit these issues to support a healthy earth. Earth Day is internationally celebrated on April 22 of each year and has more recently extended into Earth Week. Read More ▸
Scraper/Wiper Experiment: Standard Waffle vs Oxford Elite
We took the industry standard waffle pattern mat, a mat that you will see everywhere on the market, and put it to the test against our Oxford Elite for dirt retention. Read More ▸
Oxford the Elite
The Oxford Elite mat is a heavy traffic scraper/wiper mat. This mat combines the scraping technology of our premium Jasper mat combined with the wiping abilities of the Oxford mat allowing the design to fit in our 3-mat system of Jasper, Oxford Elite, and Dust-Star, with its scraper/wiper design components. Read More ▸
Passenger Safety Begins at the Airport Door
As our world begins to open back up amid a global pandemic it is paramount that all facilities, especially some of the busiest -airports- are protected from harmful bacteria and viruses. Read More ▸
ThermoGrip Eliminates Mat Curling and Provides Antimicrobial Solution
Slips, trips, and falls are some of the leading causes of what are called "unintentional injuries" among adults. Every 11 seconds, an adult is treated in an emergency room due to a slip and fall and every 19 minutes, and older person dies due to a fall. Read More ▸
The Four Questions Hotel Managers Most Frequently Ask about Floor Mats
We asked our distributors around the country to tell us what questions they are asked most frequently by hotel managers and housekeepers. While there were many types of questions, we found the following four to be the most common: Read More ▸
Why Install Mats? Five Benefits of High-Performance Mats
Our distributors often report that some customers ask why they should install floor mats? Most of them do know, however, that floor mats can help keep facilities cleaner and healthier. There are several reasons to install high-quality floor mats. Here are five to consider: Read More ▸